Meet Our New Urban Pioneers – Compact Modular Eco Homes

Imagine this.  Whether you live on or off the grid Co-MoDeco  homes and commercial spaces are built according to your specifications from brand new galvanized steel components and original designs. 

After a year and a half in development Co-Modeco’s  provide affordable and sustainable housing solution’s, tailor made to address every residential and commercial requirement.   Sustainable, indestructible and LEED resource efficient and certifiable units arrive at their final destination within 60 to 75 days of order date via Ship-Train and Truck.

Each dwelling or multiple units are custom built from newly milled, industrial strength steel exteriors complemented by weather resistant, eco-friendly fixtures for long term sustainability of up to thirty-five years and more.

Originating in Viet Nam, Korea or China, Co-Modeco services the entire world including the Americas, Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, the continent of Africa and the Middle East by sea, rail and truck.  Co-Modeco’s consistently arrive at their final destination FOB Landed within 60 to 75 days from the day of order to delivery.

The initial refundable deposit per unit is as low as $8500.USD .  The initial deposit is held in an escrow account (L.C.) until the Bill of Lading is confirmed. Even though Co-Modeco’s organic structure is technically a rectangle box, keeping shipping costs at a bare minimum, they may be designed and converted in an infinite number of ways.  Think Legos ™ on steroids.

CoMoDeco structures provides a turnkey housing solution for permanent, temporary, transient & emergency housing.  Co-Modeco dwellings do not require a foundation. They are installed on or off the grid, and be stacked three stories high with out an infrastructure. They are adaptable to remote, rural and urban settings and are insulated for desert to sub-zero climates. Each unit is anchored to water resistant pylons above the ground without intruding on the bio diversity (and critters) below the earth.

As Director of Business Development for  in Beverly Hills, CA. – Holmes Stoner and Cristiane Roget have collaborated on international trade agreements since 2004.  Holmes co-founded  the Pacific Rim Business Council &  Chamber in 2004.    A bi-coastal organization Co-Modeco is headquartered  in Marina Del Rey, California with satellite offices in Boca Raton , Florida and Paris, France.  The East coast division,VIPictures is headquartered in Palm Beach County overseeing media and public relations and representation  in the Caribbean, and the Southern Hemisphere.