Co-Modeco Takes a Pro-Action Approach to Alleviate the Affordable and Sustainable Housing Crisis

by Cristiane Roget, Sr. Correspondent AdAvenueGroup/Forbes France and EIN Presswire 

Up Next on the  Co-Modeco Calendar:

Advancing PreFabrication Show in Denver, Colorado 26-29 February.

World of Modulars Expo and Tradeshow  March 18-21 Orlando Florida

Miami/FL February 26, 2024

Representatives of Compact Modular Eco Homes returned from Dubai and the Climate Change CC-Forum, COP28 in early December 2023.  Both at COP28 and the CC-Forum there was palpable interest in developing construction alternatives that are both sustainable and affordable to stem the growing global housing crisis.

We have put out the Welcome Mat for our Compact Modular Eco Showmodel & Prototype. 30 second photo reveal:

We currently have one 360 Square foot modular home that has been built. We also have two units available for  IMMEDIATE DELIVERY!

The finished unit is called the Co-Mo Nest (40′ length x 8′.4″ width x 9′.4″ height) is $60.K. + tax. Financing is available. We are situated on 10,000 square feet of property owned by Victoria Diaz, sole owner of BigRiverRELLC and equity partner in Compact Modular Eco Homes, LLC

We have  Five Configurations that are available for Sale if you wish floor plans and renderings please reach out to

1# Unit  20′ x 8′.4″ x 9′.4″ floor to ceiling –  Pod

2# Units 20′ x 8′.4″ x 9′.4″ floor to ceiling – Nest

(or one 40′ x 8.4 x p.4)

3# Units 20′ x 8′.4″ x 9′.4″ floor to ceiling – Habitat

4# Units 20′ x 8′.4″ x 9′.4″ floor to ceiling – Home (or 2 20’s)

5# Units 20′ x 8′.4″ x 9′.4″ floor to ceiling – Manse

6# Units 20′ x 8′.4″ x 9′.4″ floor to  ceiling -Community


We are seeking to align with vendors or anyone that has left over fixtures, kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, ergonomic  furniture, wall & window treatments and all manner  of landscaping, roofing , cladding and foundations to complete this endeavor immediately! 

Of course we will include these small business and companies in all promotion and marketing activities we create.  Any ideas will be appreciated! – Big River RE modular housing showcases are design marvels, low energy alternatives to wasteful and costly conventional “stick” building.

We are ACTIVE in Confronting the Culture of Excess! Our friends and associates are intent on helping shape a globalized, inclusive, dignified and verdant environmental landscape for all! Building Better now.

Victoria Diaz

Brandon Escano M

Don’t Throw any thing  away. There IS NO Away. Please keep us informed of developments on your side, as well. Thank you for taking a Forward-Thinking-Approach in a Wait & See World.


Co-Modeco Crew Endorses:

Shellie Ransom Jackson – Benchmark Construction Consulting

Indya Minnis – Sustainable Housing And Workforce Development, President-Consultant, Hollywood, FL,

Roy Hardemonn – Former State Represntaive –  District 108 –

More Videos to enhance the Modular Housing Movement:

Assembly process

A Vision

Speaking of a housing crisis!

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