By Cristiane Roget, Sr Correspondent AdAvenueGroup/Forbes France-EIN Presswire

Miami/FL Co-Modeco, LLC announced  on January 1, 2023, a two pronged advance in establishing South Florida as the hub for distribution of Co-Modeco’s, Premanufactured Compact Eco Friendly Modular homes, commercial spaces and ancillary dwelling units (ADU’s).  Ringing in the New Year coincided with the much-anticipated arrival of four turnkey cold pressed steel show models. 

The indestructible structures are set to be constructed January 14 and 15  on the BigRiverRE site in the heart of the Art Ironside District (AID).  “The Goal is to ‘AID’ the millions of people who are grappling with astronomical rents and to assist in ameliorating the affordable housing crisis both here in Florida, the Caribbean and South America,” confirms Victoria Diaz, of BigRiverRE, LLC a top rated interior designer firm specializing in kitchen and bath installations and renovations.  Her established Wynwood Studio will be seamlessly collaborating with Co-Modeco in the rollout of innovative modular living in the region.

With close to a decade in research, development and fund raising the fledgling enterprise can boast its first four, free standing modular habitats that are available for sale and are due to debut Saturday, January 28 and 29.  Commemorating the occasion Comodeco/Big RiverRE are inviting the public to celebrate an Open House to pre-empt Florida’s gigantic Home Show at the Broward County Convention Center, February 2-5. RSVP Required at 

The partnership also includes Atlanta based uber sales strategist Steve Eubanks, making a career pivot from CEO of Supreme Digital Imaging , LLC , an advanced  hand held Xray device to setting up a sales center for sourced building alternatives.  

According to  Holmes Stoner, Founder of the Pacific Rim CC and Green Alliance International based in Marina del Rey , California and with offices in Qingdao, China, “Co-modeco-BigRiverRE modular homes are positioned to supply upwards to 5,000 sustainable, assembly line manufactured and site built modular structures a month to the Western Hemisphere.    

Ryan Deramus, VP of Business Development, states, ”Our modular habitats are manufactured from strictly code compliant materials that include cold pressed steel, Polyurethane (a class of polymers composed of organic units) and hemp insulation, bamboo interiors and exteriors by Kool Bamboo ™ and with aesthetically pleasing ergonomic design.  We offer the perspective home buyer speed to market and affordability while providing a superior alternative to conventional  building at a fraction of the cost!”  

“Ours are deceptively simple layouts modeled around ample storage space.  Clarity of design, openness, high ceilings and green manufacturer built,  put’s Co-modeco/Big River RE way ahead of the curve,” confirms Orianne Aguirre, VP of Administration

Chimes in Philippe of Co-Modeco LLC and Rodrigo of BigRiver RE , construction experts and architects respectively confirm “Once the  developers or home owners plans are approved our average buildout whether a home, commercial space,  gym, free standing office, café, or ADU takes a couple of weeks, not years.  If you can imagine it, we can build it”.

Victoria who also is an entrepreneurial Real Estate Agent insists, “Gauging the 100’s of calls and inquiries Co-Modeco /Big River RE have received in the last two years the time is upon us to create a paradigm shift in how America builds.  We use innovative, cost effective building protocols while stemming the tide of wasteful and inefficient construction.”.   “Co-Modeco modulars are fresh, affordable and exceptionally designed,”  says Holmes Stoner , Co-Modeco Co-Founder who took a deep dive into the Asia based assembly built, housing market over a decade ago. 

“With 30  million Americans living from paycheck to pay check and rents spiraling into the stratosphere bodes well for the inevitable success of all those in the pre-manufactured housing space.  Purchasing a sturdy, visually pleasing house has universal appeal.  Of course having land is the hurdle that most perspectives buyers must now overcome,”  confirms Michael Winter of H2h Design, San Diego based manufacturer of structural insulated panels (SIPs) to  add to Co-Modeco’s high-performance building system. “Having a safe roof over one’s head absorbs a whopping 60% of the income of young professionals, small business owners, and salaried employees today. We have reached a breaking point that is solvable. 

Co-Modeco serves as an exclusive distributorship with manufacturers  producing 5000 + homes a month and with an inventory of 20,000 units ready for delivery.  Combine speed to market with durability and captivating, uncluttered outdoor oriented design, who could resist this superior building alternative?” states Michael Guinzburg, best-selling author, award winning filmmaker and is heading up a national sales rollout.     

There are endless configurations to provide buildouts that adhere  to the end users wishes and requirements.  “We also spearhead an increase in employment for local tradespersons in our closed loop business model.   Installation of solar panels, finishing  kitchens with special state of the art fixtures, sourcing recycled and upcycled embellishments,  adding bamboo and distressed wood decks and porches lend to aesthetic exteriors.  We plan adjacent hydroponic ‘growtainers’ for home gardens. These are details that will turn houses into a signature statement by Bath & Kitchen Boutique, Inc. the interior design division specializing in kitchen, bath and cabinetry.       

“It is our goal, states Victoria , “to re-invest a large portion of Co-Modeco profits to stem the tide of homeless populations, assist military veterans, the disenfranchised and working poor.”      

“We anticipate the demand for Co-Modeco will expand in leaps without boundaries.  We need to nudge contractors, city officials in charge of code compliance and zoning departments to embrace the fact, that we have built a better mousetrap.  The world will beat a path to our door (without the mouse),” jokes Holmes Stoner, a successful entrepreneur with a global view, recording artist and an ambassador at large who has made a career of advocating for building better in the  21st century. :

About the essayist: Cristiane Roget- Sr Correspondent, Ad Avenue Group – Forbes France extends a full set of fully integrated tools, assisting environmentally friendly small and large businesses grow their press and brand visibility culminating in a tractable increase in market share.  AdAvenueGroups’s marketing strategy in  association with Zrills Digital Marketing and Vector International Pictures includes media alert aggregation, social media cultivation, advancing legacy apps, design , graphics and launching immediate websites and creation of comprehensive online and in person  marketing and sales campaigns.   

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Cristiane Roget

Senior Corresponedent

mobile 310-220-9118