Influenza, H191- Covid 19 – In 1918-1919 the estimated death toll exceeded the fatalities of the First & Second World War.
B.C. (Before Covid)
“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, exercised and made art and played games. Learning new ways of being, and were still. Listening more deeply, some meditated, some prayed, and met in their shadows. Many danced.
And we the people began to think differently, and healed. In the absence of people living in greed, avarice, mindless, dangerous and heartless ways the Earth began to heal as well. – K. O’Meara 1920
A.C. After Covid
This current contagion pales in comparison. Due in part to our ability to communicate globally in real time. We harnessed the power to speak as one.
When the danger passes, we will be challenged by a new economy, with new choices that encourages us to “Live not within your means / Live within your needs ™ “,
“We had the time to heal in body and now we are challenged to heal our Earth as we have been healed. In global solidarity for the common good of all”.
We have an Inventory of Medical Supplies – Meet our Team →
Take a moment to meet our friends at * in association with the Pacific Rim Business Council and Bridgepoint, Toronto. Join us in Building a Better Planet!
ADDRESS – 731 NW 28th Street. Miami, FL 33127 310-220-9118
Note: Thank you kindly for considering the PRBC -Co-Modeco – Bridgepoint for this and future transactions. As you may be aware our core business is eco friendly and affordable pre-manufactured homes, commercial spaces, quarantine housing and pre-built clinics.
As Medical Supplies and products become available they are back ordered and are only available to those with IMMEDIATE Proof of funds. All transactions are immediate. Everything offered is either manufactured in the USA or Canada or has been manufactured and imported from China or other supply countries and has FDA Certification. Pricing is going up daily , supplies are depleted on the hour.
Our suggestion, is if you find the inventory you are seeking purchase it immediately. If you are in the process of assessing pricing please take the first offer to best fill your demand. Sources are extremely limited, air shipping is hit and miss. As supplies of Masks, Gowns, Sanitizers, Protective Gear , Test Kits become available we will be posting at or calling you directly.
Be Healthy. Be Helpful. Be Heartfelt. Be.
Submitted by
Cristiane Roget
Sr. Correspondent France